Bee Removal

Have honeybees on your property and you don't know what to do?  

You've come to the right place!  Read further below to identify

 whether you have a swarm or an established colony.

For Honeybee Removal:

Give us a call 864-607-1278 or

Email us

Now, which of our removal services do you need? Here's how you can tell...

You have a swarm of bees and most likely need us to come Capture the Swarm if:

A) You had a loud swarm of bees flying around in a huge cloud of bees.

B) They all eventually landed on something (ie: a branch) and are now in a hanging cluster of honeybees.

C) You now see bees leaving and returning from the hanging cluster of bees (pic) and just generally zooming all around the area now.

You have an established colony and most likely need us to perform a Cutout if:

A) You've noticed that bees are now flying into and out of a small hole or other opening and entering/leaving a cavity in the wall, eves, etc of your house or other structure (the colony could even be inside anything from a 55 gallon drum to an old ShopVac left sitting outside, or a hollow tree).

B) Or... You've spotted free-hanging hive, not in an enclosed cavity, complete with honeycomb and honeybees crawling all over the white honeycomb.