Cutout Services

What does a “cutout” involve?

We accept Debit/Credit cards and Cash. 

No checks accepted.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you discover that you have honeybees in a wall, eaves, or other location of your home or business a “cutout” is now necessary to remove the bees and any honeycomb they have built. 

How much does the cutout service cost?

Will the bees leave on their own eventually?

Not likely. Once they have got their comb drawn out and they are actively rearing brood and storing up honey they have no reason to “abscond” or leave on their own. They don’t even realize they are not exactly welcome in your home!

Where to find a local professional beekeeper who performs cutouts?

If you live in South Carolina (upstate and surrounding area) you can contact us. We do professional work and at a very reasonable rate (see a sample contract linked above). We've been performing this work for over a decade and have never performed a job that we didn't complete successfully.

Can I just spray them and kill them or block up their entrance? Here are several reasons why this will certainly not be cheaper for you; and will likely not work anyway.

Blocking up their entrance or a can of insecticide is far cheaper than hiring a keeper to perform a cutout. I hate that I even mentioned this and potentially put the idea in someone’s head. But I bring it up because killing off the honeybee colony is a bad idea for you and will cause you more problems and expense than you can imagine. Let me just lay it out for you in a very candid way:

1. The bees will avoid the poisoned or blocked entrance and WILL look for another way out and it may lead them to the interior of your home/business. If you didn't like the bees flying around outside you certainly won't want them flying around inside.

2. If they do die inside the cavity you will have several thousand rotting decomposing bees and the brood (developing larval bees in the comb) will die and decompose as well. The wax comb will no longer be maintained by the bees and it will start releasing the honey/water/nectar which will ferment and stink horribly. It will begin to soak and seep through the wall/ceiling and will drip down the drywall onto the floor/carpet. While all this is going on you can expect rats/mice, possibly fly maggots, ants and roaches. The rotting mess will rot boards as well.

3. The situation is now out of control and the damage is spreading. Eventually you will have to hire someone to rip out the damaged wall/ceiling/roof to clean up the mess and make repairs. Plus you may need to call an exterminator for the ants/mice/rats,roaches. 

4. Seems much cheaper and friendlier to hire a keeper to do a proper cutout in the first place.

So what's so important about one little colony?

Feral honeybees (the natural wild colonies like the one in your structure) have locally adapted genetics that make them especially resilient to the types of diseases found in our geographic area. Protecting these unique genetics is important for our locally grown produce. In fact, several of our customers have remarked how their flowers have been in bloom like never before ever since the honeybees came to their property. We've been able to convince a few of our potential clients with honeybees high up in a tree to let them stay there and provide benefit to their property. Fortunately most folks we encounter understand the value of the honeybee and one of their main concerns is to make sure that we will remove and relocate rather than simply exterminate the colony. It's encouraging to know that most people are interested in the well being of honeybees.