Skin Care Product Facts

All of our products are pure, natural and good for you. It is important to point out that while many companies claim that their products are "natural", it's nearly impossible to be sure about what you're really getting because the food industry decided among themselves for the FDA under what conditions a product can be labeled as "natural" for marketing purposes. And those conditions are quite broadly defined. 

We believe that if it's a bad idea to ingest a certain ingredient into your tummy it is not a great idea to ingest it through your skin either, so we guarantee that we use truly natural* wax, butters and oils (in fact, usually food grade, although we don't recommend making a meal out of our skin care products since the essential oils and butters make them very high in fat).  Our products are not made with any of the following ingredients commonly found in commercially made skin products: sulfates, parabens, BHT, dyes, acids, artificial flavors or fragrances. 

Sulfates are used in most liquid soaps and shampoos as foaming agents and emulsifiers. At best they act as skin/eye irritants and are somewhat toxic; at worst, they cause genetic mutations and cancers. Personal product manufacturers add parabens to most moisturizers, deodorants/antiperspirants,  sunscreens, lip balms and other cosmetics to prevent mold and bacteria growth, but ethyl-, methyl-, butyl- and propyl- parabens mimic estrogen and have been linked to breast cancer. BHT is a food additive banned in many other countries but still legal in the US. Why be concerned about it if BHT is in a lotion, but not in your food? Consider that whatever you spread on your skin is absorbed directly into your body. We can forget sometimes that the mouth and nose are not the only entry points for harmful substances. Even in the absence of the above ingredients in your personal care products or cosmetics, "fragrance" is a common term used to disguise phthalates, which are the plastic so-called gender-bending chemicals (disrupt reproductive system, cause early puberty in females and late puberty in males).

For more in-depth information about the safety of personal care products, see

Our product list will be showing up here very soon. We're taking photos and getting them ready!

*The only exceptions to this are our sunscreens and diaper creams, which require a small amount of zinc oxide to be effective. But don't worry, studies on zinc oxide have shown that it is at the very bottom of the toxicity level spectrum.