Bees & Beekeeping

Want Honeybees?

We get new feral colonies all throughout the Spring and Summer from the swarms we capture and the cutout services we perform. Are you of the same mindset we are in that you believe local feral colonies that thrive in the wild without the "help" of a beekeeper is the best type of colony to have? If so, and you are interested in getting into keeping honeybees, consider putting your name on our waiting list to buy a colony of feral bees. 

Get on our waiting list!

How do you get on the waiting list? Give us a call! (864) 607-1278. If you get my voicemail please leave a message so I know to call you back. We need to discuss a few things so I know you're prepared to receive the colony when the time comes. 

Here are some questions I will ask you: