Post date: Feb 25, 2014 3:14:29 PM

The "Roof Inspection Man"

I got an urgent call from a family with bees that had infested their attic. When I arrived I was informed that I had been called in for a "roof inspection" and it was to be top secret that the house had bees! Last year a honeybee colony infested the same area and when their 7 & 9yr old daughters learned of this they flatly refused to be in the house and had to live over at the grandparents till the bees were gone! 

The bees were in a very difficult to access area so we spent time with them discussing how we'd tackle the job to eliminate any repair work after I finished. I concluded the best plan was to remove the colony from the attic. I was getting my gear ready with the Dad nearby and one daughter came out and asked her Dad what was going on. "Oh, he's going to do a... roof inspection." "What's wrong with the roof, Dad?" "Oh you know houses... they... just need check-ups every now and then. So he's going to be putting a on special suit... a roof inspection suit. And then he's going to go into the attic to inspect the roof." Wow! It was all I could do to keep from busting out with laughter. Funniest thing I'd heard in a while! 

Long story short, the cutout went like they all do. Stings, sweat, sore muscles, sticky messy gear, insulation stuck to everything, working in tight quarters. But I got all the honeycomb and bees out! Bee-proofed the cavity so no bees would return in the future. And just as I was bringing down the last of my equipment the girls returned from their soccer match. Victory 5-1! The Father and I did one final inspection of the attic access area to confirm zero evidence of the day's top secret project. I guess it was a victorious day for all!